Privacy Policy
General Information
For your convenience, uses cookies and similar technologies, including for the purpose of tailoring the service to users' needs and for statistical purposes. Cookies are small text files sent by the website you visit to your device (e.g., computer or smartphone).
Adjust browser settings to manage cookies. Not changing these settings indicates your acceptance of the cookies used on this site.
The website uses the following cookies: performance cookies, i.e. cookies used to collect information on how to use the website to make it work better, and functional cookies, i.e. cookies used to remember user settings (e.g. language, font size). These include:
- cookies – for statistics related to the website. Please refer to Google Analytics privacy policy for details.
- session cookies - expire at the end of each session.
The level of protection against cookies can be set in your browser – up to the complete blocking of cookies. This increases the level of security and data protection but may also prevent some functions, such as logging into your email account.
Changing Cookie Settings
Instructions for changing settings in the most popular browsers are available via the following links, which provide guidance on managing cookies in different browsers: